Our Exclusive Sanitone Cleaning Process

Trusted by Top Designers for over 75 years

Leading designers trust our Sanitone® cleaning process because they know it will keep their creations looking great.

Brighter Colors, Whiter Whites. Softer feel.

Your entire wardrobe looks and feels 'new' longer. It's a difference everyone will notice. Your clothes will thank you!

Like a fine salon shampoo for your clothes.

Sanitone gently cleans and conditions to help garments retain their shape.

Licensed “Sanitone” drycleaners are inspected without notice

Our equipment and facilities are inspected regularly by top technicians to ensure cleaning consistency

Environmentally friendly materials, equipment, processes and disposal methods.

We adhere to rigid requirements and maintain the purity of our dry cleaning fluid.

Have a Question?


If your not sure of the best way to clean your favorite clothing item, bring it to our counter. Our knowledgeable staff can advise you on the best course of action for that item.


Reach out to us
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